FlexBox - Part 1 - Better Control Over Layout
FlexBox is a one dimensional CSS layout, consisting of a container and one or more children. Its power lies in being able to determine the order and direction of its children, being able to position them horizontally and vertically, and being able to grow and shrink the children to fill the available space.
LinkCSS Specificity And Why It Matters
CSS specificity is the measurement of how strong a rule provided by a selector is, and determines which CSS rule is ultimately applied. To be able to override an existing rule you need to know how to make your rule more specific (or better, equally as specific) then the rule that already exists.
LinkBEM (Block__Element--Modifier)
BEM or.. Block, Element, Modifier is a css methodology for naming CSS classes. Its main purposes is to reduce the specificity of a css rule, and to introduce a better naming convention which will organize your css, and improve development and maintenance.